Friday, June 14, 2024 is our last day of Westerville Safety
City. We hope your child has enjoyed this experience as much as we have enjoyed having your child with us.
is a special day because it is Graduation Day! Please note that graduation will start at 9:30 A.M. for the morning session
and 12:30 P.M. for the afternoon session.
Please have your child wear his/her Safety City shirt to graduation.
A.M. Class arrive at 9:20 a.m. P.M. Class arrive at 12:20
Graduation lasts only about an hour. It will be held
at Westerville North High School, 950 County Line Road. There is more parking available there and we will have a larger area
in which to hold our graduation ceremony. The ceremony will be conducted in the gymnaisum. When you arrive, we will direct
you to the meeting place for your child’s class. After the ceremony, you will sign out your child at the same location.
We hope you and your child will be able to attend
our graduation. Feel free to bring cameras and video equipment. If you are going to videotape your child, we ask that you
set up your camera in the back or on the sides of the auditorium so as not to block anyone else’s view.
for some reason you and your child cannot attend graduation, please let your child’s teacher know and we will arrange
to get a graduation certificate to your child.
All of the safety officers
will be available for individual pictures immediately following the ceremony.
will be receiving an evaluation form at graduation. Please the take time to complete and return it to the box provided that
day or by mail after Safety City has concluded. Your input is valuable to us. Our Board of Directors reads each one and uses
your input to mold our program. Our goal is to improve this program every year and this cannot be done without your input.