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Westerville Safety City

Westerville Safety City

Dear Friends of Westerville Safety City,

Plans and details are being worked out for the return of Westerville Safety City June 2-13, 2025. Registration beings April 21th at 12:00 a.m. and fills up quickly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to our renewed collaboration with Westerville City Schools, Westerville Division of Fire and the Westerville Police Department to bring safety education back to life.

Registration Note: You will be able to choose from six morning sections and six afternoon sections. You can sign up with friends as long as there are openings in that class. We cannot accommodate specific time or class requests.  All classrooms are together and children often interact with other classrooms throughout the day.   Sections are named Police Badge, Fire Hat. Light Bulb, Bike Helmet, Stop Sign, and School Bus.



"Thank you for a great program."

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